torsdag den 1. september 2011

The Autumn is here!

So today is the first day of the autumn, even though it doesn't feel like it here where I live. It's actually pretty hot outside today.
But just because the summerweather is still here, you gonna get a collage anyway.
I tried to put some of the stuff from H&M into the look. This is probably some of the stuff there soon gonna jump into my wardrobe. Especially the leather-jacket and -pants! And then I got really addicted to Nirvana again, so this shirt was like the piece that connected the whole outfit.
I tried to keep it simple with not that many jewelry ans black and white. Then I added the red bag for a pop of color. Everything is from H&M.
What do you think?

Ps. I'm still working on making the time of school, time with the friends, my music-classes and time for the blog match together. It's so hard getting started again after a summerbreak like this!

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