fredag den 2. december 2011

Forget school - I'm gonna be a princess!

I wouldn't lie if I said the New Years-thing was just something I called it to do a princess-look.
I was so inspired by a blogpost on a blog I follow, so I went on hunt online for the perfect princess dress. I used almost half an hour searching, so when this beauty showed up on TopShop I almost screamed - No lie.
I then went on well known highstreet shops that I never really have taken a look at to find accessories. Forever21 is the seller of both earring, necklace and bracelet. The shoes is from Asos. And we can't forget the little clutch which is by our loyal friend H&M.
New Years or not - This is an amazing outfit!

The blog have been quiet this week, I'm sorry. I have been busy with school, homework and music. I'm gonna head to the Maroon 5-concert later tonight, and tomorrow I'm gonna post my November-favorites. Sunday's gonna be Fashion-challenge as always.

Happy December!

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