lørdag den 15. oktober 2011

Mustard and scarfs! - Autumn outfit.

The autumn is finally over Denmark. It was actually so cold this week that I got to wear my winterboots! Not only by the weather could you tell it was autumn; I'm also on autumn-break(If you can call it that) now - which means lots and lots of posts this week!
The weather made me realize that I haven't made a autumn outfit/collage for you guys, so I decided I would do that today.

Sweater - Monki | Jeans - H&M | Boots - Zara
Scarf - BikBok | Bag - TopShop | Bracelets - Monki
I'm in love with the mustard sweater! And I'm pretty sure it's gonna be on my shoppinglist for next shopping-trip! I also love how the jeans doesn't look like denim, but more like leather.
All in all; I love this outfit, and if I had the money this things should be in my wardrobe very soon!
What do you guys think? And are you also in love with all there's called knit? I know I am.

1 kommentar:

  1. Damn, det outfit ser lækkert ud!

    // Rikke - Http://storehjerner.blogspot.com
    - Måske du vil tage et kig forbi min venindes og min blog? Den handler om om de små ting vi værdsætter i livet, hvad værdsætter du af små ting i livet? :-)
