søndag den 18. september 2011

How Would You Describe Your Style?

Shirt - H&M | Jeans - Pieces | Vest - H&M
Hat - H&M | Necklace - Fatima | Hoops - H&M
I find this challenge quite hard, 'cause I'm just me. I never had to explain my style.
I guess my style is kind of festival(Haha xD). I always get inspiration when I see people on a festival.
For me hats, bandtees and tons of denim is a must. I like giving my outfit a twist of rock using skull-jewelry, studs ect.
Sometimes I miss my old style and jump in a black shirt with the print 'Still Fucking Imperfect', stud-belt, dark jeans and a bowlerhat.
I think my style chance from day to day depending on my mood.
But I like it toned down and not like I used to. Just a couple of month ago I would have people staring at me when I was anywhere, and kids going 'Look, mommy! She has a funny skirt on!'
I still like not looking like anybody ells - But who want's to be normal anyway?

‎"You know what 'normal' is? A setting on a washing mashine. No one wants to be that." - Ashley Purdy.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Din blog er skøn og jeg er blevet fast læser. Jeg håber at du også vil tage et kig forbi min blog og evt. blive fast læser :)


  2. Lækkert med en lidt anderledes (den gode måde) blog! Er blevet fast læser.

    Kig gerne forbi:

