mandag den 19. september 2011


Something is wrong with the counter on my blog(Sometimes I have 49 followers, sometimes 50), but I got 2 new followers today(And hello and welcome to you!), so I'm pretty sure I have 50 followers now, which is crazy!
I would have done a giveaway, but I really don't have the money for it. I'm sorry, guys!

I wanna thank each and everyone of you. You are the ones, that make me blog, even after 6 months(When i made this blog, I thought it would be up for a couple of weeks, and then it would go dead).

So because I don't have a giveaway, I decided to do something else, to you followers which is still reading this post - Thank you!
I'm gonna make a page to link blogs that I like, which is an inspiration to me and... ME FOLLOWERS BLOGS!
If you leave your blog in the description with a little message saying something to me(Fx. What you like about the blog, what the first post you read was - Can be something else!), I will link your blog on that page + adding your little message.

-Oh, and this is my post number 150!

Thank you!

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