søndag den 24. juli 2011

Quick Travel Tips - Entertainment for the trip!

Bag by Robin Ryth.
No matter if you're going with flight, car or train, you gonna need something to do on the trip.
The bag on the picture is the one I bring with me in the car, when I'm going on vacation. Yesterday I came home from Jutland. It took almost 3 hours in the car. On Wednesday I'm going to Stockholm, Sweden. That means 6-8 hours in the car. So I need a lot of stuff to do.
I have been taking photos of everything I have in this bag. Maybe this can give you some ideas for what you should bring.

This notebook is by Studio18. I bring it with me anywhere I go.
I write in this when I have an blogpost-idea, 'cause I'm so bad at remember them.

My HD 202 by Sehnheiser is a must for long car-trips!
I have a completely different taste in music than my parents, so i need my headphones, so I can hear the music I like.
The bass in these are amazing, and i can't hear background noise or my parents talking with these on.
The only bad thing 'bout them is the size. You look so stupid with them on.

My IPod is another must.
My dad owns a IPhone and program that can transfer the internet to my IPod so I can be on Facebook and Twitter(@xThatBella). The car-trip is no longer boring!

A book is always a good thing to have.
Right now I'm reading the first Vampire Diaries-book. 

The magazines I don't really read in the car, but they are good to have.
The magazines on the picture; The fashion-magazine Costume and the teenage-girl-magazine Vi  Unge.

I love drawing so of course I have a ton of paper and a pencil-case with me.

I have a bag inside my bag. If we stop anywhere I would bring this with me. The black thing is my wallet and the blue one is my emergency-bag(Including safety-pins, bobby-pins, lipbalm, hairelastic, hairclip ect.) 

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