torsdag den 30. juni 2011

Quick Travel Tips - Pack your clothes right!

We all need it, 24/7. It's a must. And if your just a bit like me, you want your outfits to be perfect on your vacation. Here you get a few of my trick on how to pack clothes.

Match the outfits before the vacation.
You don't want a any kind of fashion-crisis while you're on vacation, so my tip here is to match your outfits before the vacation. I'm going away for a week, so two weeks before my vacation i start matching my outfits and wear them for a day. By doing this you can decide which outfits that will work for a vacation - F.x. If you going to walk allot small dresses are maybe not the best choice.
If you want to remember the clothes that you chose, photos are a good thing.

Pack as little as possible.
Try not to bring to much. F.x. did i made sure that all of my outfits matched with one of the two pair of shoes i chose to bring.
Pants is also a thing where you can save space. Try wearing the same pair of pants with two outfits. This way you only need to bring half as many pants as you normally would.

Be prepared.
Even though you are going to Spain, the weather can be bad, so be prepared!
Try pack at least two pair of pants between your shorts and one pair of snickers between your ballerinas.
Try making sure that the pants are basic, so you don't end up the last day freaking out because the pattern on your shirt doesn't match the pattern on your pants.

Save space - Make it simple and uncluttered.
When we're talking packing my best advice is to roll you clothes just like on the picture. This will save you allot of space.
Another advice is to put your before decided outfits into plastic bags, so when you need to find your outfit for the day you can just pull up a plastic bag. And when you have used your clothes just put it bag in the plastic bag, so it doesn't get mixed up with the clean clothes.

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